No Country for Spies - Part Four

TEHRAN— Kylie Moore-Gilbert, an Israeli spy of Australian origin who was mercifully released before serving her sentence in Iran in November 2020, has remained in contact with Western intelligence establishments and is continuing her troublemaking destructive anti-Iran operations in Australia.
Being a researcher and visiting conferences and universities to develop relationships with scholars from targeted countries is an old spycraft used by intelligence organizations.
Moreover, many publications in Western media outlets have narrated the story of espionage while posing as a scholar. In a 2017 editorial by Daniel Golden in the age-old British daily newspaper, The Guardian, for example, exposed how espionage organizations frequently deploy spies to academic conferences in order to persuade nuclear scientists from nations such as Iran to leak information or be recruited.
Gilbert, a PhD holder in Persian Gulf politics from the University of Melbourne who is also proficient in Arabic and Persian, is clearly portrayed by foreign media organizations as only a researcher, Islam expert, and university lecturer.
Gilbert was gathering information about Bahraini Shiites in Iran in 2018 on behalf of an Israeli regime intelligence entity under the guise of operating a scholar initiative. She was arrested in September 2018 at Tehran airport after being noticed by Iranian counterintelligence. Gilbert was arrested while she was leaving the country after attending numerous conferences and university meetings as a scholar.
The Australian-British spy served two years of her ten-year sentence before being exchanged for three Iranian businesspeople jailed abroad. The posture of U.S. officials at the time, such as David Hale in the Department of State, in the swap process, according to a source, was "totally neutral."
"Many efforts were made to urge the U.S. to take a stand on the Gilbert's exchange issue, but the U.S. officials in authority showed no support," the source elaborated.
Aside from undertaking espionage activities, Tel Aviv has attempted to established security relationships with various agencies and join numerous security agreements in recent decades to cover up its military-security gaps.
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid of the Israeli regime has opened the door to further security connections with Australia and the Five Eyes spying network. In an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald, Lapid stated that the Israel already had extensive ties with Five Eyes nations, including an "incredibly close intelligence-sharing and security partnership with our closest ally, the United States," but that it would seek to deepen those relationships.
"We're focused on deepening these ties under their existing frameworks and accords, and we'd evaluate any other alternatives for increasing these ties if they presented themselves," he said during the interview.
The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence partnership made up of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Israeli regime has long been a prospective member of the Five Eyes and has participated with the alliance, while not being a formal member.
According to an informed source, Kylie Gilbert, now 35, has kept its prior contacts and has been activating some new routes to resume her profession as a spy this time by gathering information on Iranian descents in Australia.
"This time, Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert is looking at Melbourne University's history of working with Iranians, notably the Engineering Department, to uncover suitable figures," an insider told the Tehran Times.
Gilbert is also believed to be attempting to contact various politicians in order to get more so-called “scholar initiatives”. She has also conducted other unrelated research projects in which she has no experience, such as writing on general issues and doing business in African countries.
Concerning her financial issues and maintaining herself in the spotlight, Gilbert published a novel titled "Uncaged Sky" to construct an exaggerated gloomy story of its unfinished days in Iran's prison, as well as to cover up her illegal activities in many locations throughout Iran.
The Tehran Times has learned that a lecturer at the University of Melbourne was arranged to have her work published by a publisher other than Ultimo Press. It was agreed that the author's revenue would be traditionally 10% of the recommended retail price, and that the author's income from a commercial TV interview would range between $20,000 and $150,000. Furthermore, it was projected that the book would sell roughly 75,000 copies; so, it is clear that producing a so-called memoir would be a very profitable career. In particular, as a rejected insolvent individual.
Finally, the brevity of this array of concerns surrounding the story of this spy, as well as other incidents, draws attention to the fact that Iran's adversaries do not always win their battles, but they do not give up fighting. Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert, a young Australian-British woman, is no exception. Rumi, the famed Islamic philosopher and poet, has a brilliant Persian adage that states, "You are what you are seeking for."
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